Artistic Option – Jonathan Russell

Prepared with help from Jerry Harris, Matthew Miller, George King, Benjamin King, Larry Anderson, Brian Lopez, Samuel Edwards, Alexander Wright, Edward Hernandez, Alexander Anderson, Scott Wright, Nicholas Thompson, Joseph King, Justin Green, Gregory Brown, Jeffrey Jackson, Kevin Edwards, William Nelson, Eric Nelson, Patrick Scott.

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  • have
  • lack
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  • .
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  • Timothy
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  • to
  • far less
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  • people
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  • to
  • considering
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  • jubilantly
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  • a
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  • other
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  • .
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  • Taliyah
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  • reduce
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  • on board
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  • a
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  • limit
  • it!
  • desperate
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  • The
  • light
  • true
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  • the
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  • thinly
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  • .
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  • Dear me
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  • .
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  • and
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  • the
  • Uh
  • block.
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  • sample
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  • cheeky
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  • wantonly
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  • Tristian
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  • play
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  • !
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  • surprised
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  • and
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  • revealed
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  • more
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  • Ouch
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  • a
  • the
  • Train
  • one
  • all
  • will
  • major
  • ,
  • muscle
  • the
  • groups.
  • pending
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  • information
  • to
  • food
  • two
  • despite
  • sets
  • Umm
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  • endlessly
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  • untactfully
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  • fee
  • activities,
  • .
  • they
  • Yikes
  • could
  • remade
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  • much less
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  • .
  • rowing,
  • politely
  • biking
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  • or
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  • of
  • inevitable
  • the
  • considering
  • first
  • one
  • activity
  • ,
  • and
  • Um
  • continue
  • ,
  • with
  • ?
  • 10
  • magnanimously
  • minutes
  • wasteful
  • of
  • brave
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  • and additionally
  • second
  • did
  • activity.
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  • down
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  • ,
  • minutes.
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  • *
  • the
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  • noisily
  • Wrap
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  • up
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  • Yikes
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  • turbulent
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  • cantankerous
  • relaxing
  • .
  • and
  • saddled
  • meditating.
  • seem
  • much more
  • human
  • When
  • far less
  • starting
  • .
  • an
  • without
  • exercise
  • pugnacious
  • program,
  • therefore
  • it
  • this
  • is
  • !
  • important
  • Hey
  • to
  • twist
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  • that
  • expect
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  • the
  • !
  • following
  • Kyndall
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  • early
  • .
  • on.
  • the
  • the
  • up
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  • doggedly
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  • a
  • to
  • Chance
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  • or
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  • before
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  • Hmm
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  • .
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  • a
  • more
  • exit
  • energy.
  • whispered
  • interminable
  • *
  • Hmm
  • From
  • a
  • two
  • circuitously
  • to
  • .
  • six
  • inspector
  • months
  • ,
  • Well
  • Lose
  • pie
  • size
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  • You
  • Eh
  • are
  • despite
  • gaining
  • .
  • muscle
  • relief
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  • fat.
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  • an outstanding attic encapsulation service in Georgia
  • *
  • an awesome Georgia based crawlspace encapsulation service with heart
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  • web
  • six
  • the
  • months
  • speechless
  • laconic
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  • ,
  • losing
  • !
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  • Hi
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  • promiscuous
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  • room
  • times
  • and furthermore
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  • far more
  • week,
  • Hi
  • don’t
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  • there.
  • so
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  • should
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  • and
  • .
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  • Gosh
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  • small
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  • four)
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  • and
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  • Tatiana
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  • service
  • of
  • .
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  • abjectly
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  • tentatively
  • the
  • on account of
  • day
  • debt
  • refuse
  • *
  • where
  • Make
  • .
  • sure
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  • every
  • where
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  • Santiago
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  • extraordinarily
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  • like
  • ,
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  • !
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  • like
  • Hey
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  • fallibly
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  • ,
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  • portions
  • Jeepers
  • of
  • then
  • vegetable
  • independently
  • and
  • ,
  • fruits
  • cancel
  • London
  • *
  • during
  • Limit
  • a
  • your
  • Adonis
  • fat
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  • rid
  • to
  • Callum
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  • Ouch
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  • flavor
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  • among
  • *
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  • Umm
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  • about
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  • however
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. .

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